Inside the Vault Club Back Issues
Inside the Vault Club Back Issues
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Live At De Boerderij DVD-R-If you missed this the first time, we're now offering a no-frills version of the inaugural IVC release on DVD-R! CHECK OUT THE TRAILER.
Septennial: Return to RoSfest DVD-R-If you missed this the first time, we're now offering a no-frills version of the sophomore IVC release on DVD-R! CHECK OUT THE TRAILER.
Two of a Kind: A Tribute to Bill Bruford & Allan Holdsworth-If you missed this the first time, we're now offering a no-frills version of the third IVC physical release on CD-R! CHECK OUT THE TRAILER.
Many New Things-If you missed this the first time, we're now offering a no-frills version of the fourth IVC physical release on CD-R! GET A FREE DOWNLOAD.
IVC #1-To Catch A Predator (Live 2008)-This 10-minute epic instrumental track was the very first music D97 ever wrote and performed. HEAR A SAMPLE
IVC #2-One More Red Nightmare (2016, Live At De Boerderij DVD Outtake) Pro-shot video and audio mixed from the multi-tracks downloads included. SEE A SAMPLE
IVC #3- I Can't Take You WIth Me (2009, Extended Version)-A rough mix of this track which includes additional material that was edited out for the album release.
IVC #4- The Thief (Live 2012)-Audio and Video downloads of a particularly fiery and legnthy live version of The Thief.
IVC #5- The Perfect Young Man (Live with John Wetton 2013)-Mixed from the multitracks, this is the best document we have of our legendary friend John Wetton singing this song.
IVC #6-Forest Fire (Live 2017)-This is a brand new, and thus far unreleased, D97 song. There’s also bonus video and audio featuring this song performed live along with part of Mindscan and Termites. HEAR A SAMPLE
IVC #7- On Paper (Jim Solo Demo 2013)-Hear the origins of On Paper before Jim brought it to D97 in this very intimate demo.
IVC #8-In The Dead Of Night (Live 2017)-Our rarely-performed cover of the UK classic. HEAR A SAMPLE
IVC #9-Sea I Provide (Live 2009)-An unreleased D97 song that we recently resurrected in our live set thanks to the IVC!
IVC #10-New Song Rehearsal Demo (2017, instrumental)-A work in progress that Andrew brought in, and a glimpse at the makings of a future track.
IVC #11-TWO full live versions of Mindscan (from 2008 and 2013). Nearly an hour of music!
IVC # 12- Who Cares? (Rough Mix 2012) This version features additional harmonies and a totally different sound from what made it on Trouble With Machines.
IVC # 13-Shapeshifter (live Audio and Video 2017) Check out a brand new song which was the first the new D97 lineup wrote and performed together.
IVC #14-Quartet for the End of Time (2007 rehearsal audio) and Hybrid Child/Quartet for the End of TIme Medley (Live 2012 audio and video). Hear us tackle the most difficult music in our repetoire (courtesy of French composer Olivier Messiaen) from two different lineups of the band. SEE A SAMPLE
IVC #15-Learn From Danny (Live)-A 2014 live version of this deep cut, mixed from the multi-tracks. HEAR A SAMPLE (available soon)
IVC #16-Heat of the Moment (Live) & Battle Lines (2 Reheasal Demos)-We marked the first anniversary of John's passing by releasing these two rarities: Heat of the Moment, which we only played live once at our Tribute Show to John, and Battle Lines, which we learned at his request for Cruise to the Edge 2017 and never performed live.
IVC #17-A Lottery (Live) Audio & Video-Check out an early version of A Lottery live from 2014, including audio, pro-shot video, and full-length steady cam footage of both Jim and Jonathan
IVC #18-Ghost Girl (Rehearsal Demo)-Here's a work in progress, an epic track slated for our next allbum!
IVC #19-Lost Cat (Rehearsal Demo)-Here's the 2nd piece D97 evre tackled: Lost Cat, composed by original guitarist Sam Krahn. It's a crazy trip! HEAR A SAMPLE
IVC #20-Snow Country (Live 2013)-Here's an early soundboard recording of Snow Country live, complete with a keyboard solo section that was excised from the final version.
IVC #21-Trigger (Rough Mix)-Be the first to hear a BRAND NEW SONG that we're currently working on for our new album!
IVC #22-The Actual Color (Rough Mix 2011 and Demo 2010)-Two version of The Actual Color which present a rawer, more visceral experience than the final master.
IVC #23-Your Hair Is On Fire/All The Way (Live 2009)-D97 moonlights as the Leslie HUnt Band on her 2009 CD release show! how do we sound playing a slow funk jam? Find out!
IVC #24-Red (Live 2017)-We launched into this menacing Crimson track with a abandon in honor of our friend John. Special guest Rob Clearfield on guitar!
IVC #25-The Lost Epic-Here's a 10-minute instrumental rehearsal take of an epic we later scrapped, but parts of which ended up in A Lottery.
IVC #26-Death By Two Thousand Cuts-Here are two versions of Death By A Thousand Cuts, one live aboard Cruise To The Edge 2017, and the other from a Tampa show shortly thereafter. Both feature audio and video!
IVC #27-The Man Who Knows Your Name-Check out this very early version from 2007 with Jonathan on vocals!
IVC #28-Termites (Live w/no keys, 2017)-How did we handle having to play a gig with keyboards? Check out IVC #28 to find out!
IVC #29-Sheep (Rough Mix 2018)-​Here's a brand-new song that you can be among the first to hear!
IVC #30-Back and Forth (2010 Demo and 2011 Rough Mix)-Here are two versions of Back and Forth from very different stages in their development. The demo includes a section that was cut and devloped into The Actual Color.
IVC #31-Tim New Song (Rehearsal Demo & Solo Bass Demo)-Here are two versions of a brand0new song from Tim. one is with the D97 guys (instrumental), and another is the overdubbed bass demo Tim put together for us all to hear.
IVC #32-Blueprint (Live in Montreal 5-16-19)-Here's very nice audio AND video from our set at Petit Campus in Montreal on the Pre-Screening Tour.
IVC #33-Out On The Tiles (Live in Belgium 5-16-13)-Here's audio and video of us tearning through a Led Zeppelin deep cut on our first Euro tour!
IVC #34-On Paper (Live in Louisville 9-2-14)-Here's audio and video of On Paper, shortly before we hit the studio to record it.
IVC #35-Wolf Cried Boy (Leslie Solo Demo)-Be the first to hear Leslie's solo voice/acoustic guitar demo of a possible future D97 song
IVC #36-Bread & Yarn (demo and rough mix)-Two versions of Bread & Yarn: one is a solo demo from Jim, and the other is a rough mix of the full-length version
IVC #37-Forest Fire Test Mixes-Here are two drastically different mixes of FF that bring out totally different elements of the song to the final version.
IVC #38-Trigger (Live 10-10-19)/Leggo My Ego!!! (demo) Here's audio and video of a live version of Trigger at Trading Boundaries in the UK, as well as a demo of a "missing link" between Trigger and its predecessor, The Unreality Star.
IVC #39-Shapeshifter (Drums/Bass Demo 2016)-Check out Tim and Jonathan playing the first new music of D97's second lineup!
IVC #40-Ghost Girl (Rough Mix 12-18-18)-A rough mix of Ghost Girl featuring an entirely clean vocal performance from Leslie with no effects.
IVC #41-Sea I Provide (Live in Belgium 10-5-19)-Here's some pretty rocking audio/video from our 2019 Screening Tour.
IVC #42-Blueprint (Rough Mix)-An alternate version , featuring a double-tracked vocal through most of the song.
IVC #43-Long Distance Runaround-Here's audio and video of Leslie and Jonathan tackling this Yes classic with Dave Kerzner & co.
IVC #44-Fallen Angel (Live w/John Wetton 5-16-2013)-Here's previously unreleased audio/video of John and us performing one of his best-loved songs.
IVC #45-Gamelan Song (demo)-This is Jonathan's first go at a MIDI demo, and a preview of new music to come!
IVC #46-The Thief (Rough Mix 11-30-2011)-A very different early version of The Thief with alternate vocal and more
IVC #47-The Man Who Knows Your Name (Live 12-22-2013) Live audio and video of what might be the final performance of this bad bay
IVC #48-Ghost Girl (Live at Spirit of 66, 10-5-19)-Live audio and video from our European Screening Tour
IVC #49-Divided We Fall (Rehearsal 3-13-20)-A new song written and rehearsed right before COVID put a halt to everything...
IVC #50-Down the Road (Leslie Hunt Rough Mix 12-2020)-A rough mix of a track from Leslie's forthcoming solo EP.
IVC #51-To Catch a Predator (Live 2-20-2007)-The FIEST EVER D97 performance!
IVC #52-Hoping Love Will Last-Leslie & Andrew duet on this lovely Steve Hackett ballad
IVC #53-Innocence Captured (Alliance 2002)-An epic-length track from the proto-D97 band Alliance
IVC #54-Bread & Yarn (Alternate Music Video)-A psychedelic alternate visual take on Bread & Yarn
IVC #55-Read Your Mind (Live 2019)-RYM aboard the high seas, featuring massive amounts of (((GONG)))))
IVC #56-Don't Make Me Come Back There (Rough Mix)-A track from Leslie's upcoming Descend EP
IVC #57-Possession (Instrumental & Schang Vocal Versions)-Two versions of a devloping song about voodoo!
IVC #58-Dance of Fury/I Don't Wanna Wait Another Day (Live 2009)-Here's incredibly rare footage of the Hybrid Child lineup, featuring Katinka *shredding* on cello!
IVC #59-Many New Things (Jim's Dueling Pianos Demo)-A new song from JIm demoed with voice and not one, but TWO pianos
IVC #60-Ghost Girl Animatics-Get spooky with two early drafts of the Ghost Girl animated film, including an illuminating side-by-side with the finished video
IVC #61-Divided We Fall (Live, 10-26-21)-The opening song of the opening night of Touroween!
IVC #62-Andrew Riff Song Trio Demo (2021)-Andrew, Tim, and Jonathan tackle a new barn burner
IVC #63-Handlebars (Live 2013)-An early version of "Handlebars" taken from the same night One MOre Red NIght was recorded
IVC #64-In the Court of the Crimson King (Live w/McDonald & Wetton 2013)-A performance of an iconic song with two music legends who belong to the ages.
IVC #65-Deck is Stacked (Rough Mix)-A brand new semi-autobiographical song featuring, at long last, a drum solo!
IVC #66-Takeover (Live 2019)-D97 prog funks the Cruiise to the Edge Pool Stage!
IVC #67-Dissonance of Distance (2020 Demo and Studio Footage)-An inside look at the making of Tim and Andrew's T.S.3. album "It's Not OK."
IVC #68-Starless (Live 2017)-Here's an emotional rendering of a John Wetton/King Crimson classic recorded days after his passing
IVC #69-Blinding Vision (Rough Mix 2015)-An alternate early version of this D97 deep cut from In Vaults
IVC #70-Mirror (Live on Cruise to the Edge 2022)-A multi-cam video of our Studio B set on CTTE 2022
IVC #71-The Watcher (Schang MIDI Demo)-Hear Jonathan's newest supernatural saga take shape
IVC #72-Deck is Stacked (Live CTTE 2022)-Video and audio of our new "prog rap" song!
IVC #73-Life Cycle (Schang Demo)-Jonathan's new interstellar prog ballad!
IVC #74-Crossfaded (Rough Mixes)-Hear instrumental and just bass/drums versions from the basic tracking sessions of Album #5
IVC #75-All's Well That Ends Well (2014 Rough Mix)-This unique mix provides an inside look at the construction of this In Vaults highlight
IVC #76-Many New Things (2023 Rough Mix)-The nuts and bolts of this intricate track come to the fore in this instrumental mix
IVC #77-Lonely Home (Live 8-6-2009)-A VERY jazzy rendering of this track from Leslie's Your Hair is on FIre release.
IVC #78-Life Cycle (2023 Rough Mix)-The full band tackles Jonathan's prog-space ballad!
IVC #79-Travels with Myself - And Someone Else (Live 10-21-2018)-Video and audio of the boys and guitarist Chris Siebold taking on this Bruford classic
IVC #80-Snow Country (Rough Mix 2014)-A stripped down second look at our best known track!
IVC #81-Stay For The Ending (2023 No Keys Rough Mix)-How would we sound as a power trio plus vox? Listen and find out!
IVC #82-The Watcher (Rough Mix 2023)-The full band gets involved in Jonathan's latest spooky epic!
IVC #83-Easy Money (2017 Demo)-A demo of this King Crimson classic recorded specifically for John Wetton
IVC #84-X-Faded (2023 Alternate Music Video)-A COMLETELY different take on the X-Faded video
IVC #85-Divided We Fall (2023 Live Video/Audio)-A Touroween+ Outtake featuring us opening for The Winery Dogs
IVC #86-Sheep (2021 Live Video/Audio)-Watch us prog out on a rach in FL!
IVC #87-The Watcher (2023 Live Video/Audio)-Here we are playing crazy music for a sold out crowd in Europe!
IVC #88-Life Cycle (2023 Live Video/Audio)-See/hear the softer side of D97 under a gorgeous Italian sky
IVC #89-Wrecked (2024 Demo)-A new scorcher from Tim takes form!
IVC #90-Crossover (Live 9-10-2023)-here's live audio and video from London of our most (but still not very) tropical song!
IVC #91-Matte Kudasai (Live 4-19-22)-Hear our softer side with our take on this King Crimson beauty
IVC #92-The Assembly Line (2024 Demo)-Instrumental and vocal versions of Jonathan's demo of a new funky progtastic jam!
IVC #93-The Perfect Young Man (Live 2-26-2016 Video/Audio)-One of our most beloved pieces, captured at the first ever show of D97 Mark II!
IVC #94-The Thief (Live 8-21-2015)-The final (to date) performance on this deep cut from the final performance of D97 Mark I!
IVC #95-Wrecked (Instr. Rehearsal 9-4-2024 Video/Audio)-D97 goes full on metal for a polyrhymic feast of a new song!
IVC #96-Many New Things (Live in Chicago 4-19-2022)-A smoking hot live version of the SFTE track, well before it was recorded
IVC #97-The Great Deceiver (Live 9-5-2014)-A cover of this classic Crimson deep cut, shortly after our tenure with the great John Wetton
IVC #98-I Can't Take You With Me (Live 10-3-2019 Video/Audio)-We rewind back to one of our earliest songs for this rousing Dutch rendition
IVC #99-Turn of the Screw (2025 Demo)-A moody new song takes shape!
IVC #100-Shapeshifter (Live 10-7-2019 Video/Audio)-A fiery UK performance ofa Screens deep cut
IVC #101-Stay For The Ending (Live 9-10-2023 Video/Audio)-We scorch London with the SFTE title track