District 97 Art Gallery Discount Code
Over the years, we've been lucky enough to have some BEAUTIFUL artwork grace our albums and promotional items, and it's our opinion that they are worthy as standalone pieces of art.
Photo with John Wetton
We had an amazing show with John Wetton on Sunday, he's such a great guy! Here's a video shot from the audience of us doing the King Crimson classic "Lament", we'll have some proshot material in the near future. Above is a nice group shot taken by Paul Thomas.
New T-Shirt Models
Trip to Memphis
Jonathan, Patrick and Ed Clift from Paiste Cymbals took a trip down to Memphis on Dec. 7th, 2010 and spent the day with legendary drummer Bill Bruford! We had an amazing time. Here are some pics, with video on the way!
New Cover Art by Bijorn for Hybrid Child
Here's the brand new cover art by Bjorn from Killustrations for Hybrid Child, due out worldwide September 14th on Laser's Edge Records.