WFMT Interview with Jonathan and Katinka
WFMT has posted interviews with Jonathan and Katinka on their blog. Don't forget our CD Release show is Thursday @ Sub-T!!
Katinka Kleijn will not be able to participate in CalProg
Hey CalProggers; We regret to inform you that despite her best efforts, our cellist Katinka Kleijn will not be able to participate in CalProg due to a prior committment with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Don't be discouraged though, we are well-versed in putting on great shows as a 5-piece, and we are confident CalProg will be no exception. See you there!
Hybrid Child Available EVERYWHERE!
Hybrid Child is officially available EVERYWHERE (iTunes, Amazon etc)! Get it wherever you like, but we suggest
Leslie featured in Progression Magazine
We're featured in the current issue of Progression Magazine. "The story behind this young ensemble featuring a cellist and singer from American Idol fame. Says vocalist Leslie Hunt: "I told them, 'You guys are wizards, I want to sing in your band! I mean, you don't understand, I want to be involved!' I was wide-eyed, totally blown away." Pick it up!
#1 on Gagliarchives Radio Show
We're #1 for the 3rd straight week on the Gagliarchives Radio Show. Tune in tonight at at 11 PM ET to hear an interview with Leslie and Jonathan and lots of our music!