Behind the Scene Footage
Here's some behind the scene footage of us tracking guitar/goofing around in the studio. Check out/subscribe to our Youtube page for more
Sneak Peak
A sneak peek at what we're up to in the studio, at work on the next CD:
A Bunch of Upcoming Shows!
Lots of new shows!! Chicago on 7/14, then we hit the road in August for Cleveland, Philadelphia, Brooklyn and Pittsburgh, then head back to the studio! Check out the shows page for all the details.
New NEWS !
We're most likely entering the studio in June to begin work on our 2nd CD. We're really excited about the new material and can't wait to share it with you all. Problem is, studio time is expensive! If you'd like to help ensure the album reaches its potential, please consider making a donation through the Merch Page (The donation button is towards the bottom). We've got lots of gifts for those who do (credit in the liner notes, signed merch, play on the album etc.)!. All amounts are appreciated and will receive a thank you from us. Regular purchases are also a great help.