A Double Dose of Live D97, Now Through 3/15!

A Double Dose of Live D97, Now Through 3/15!
Septennial: Return To RoSfest (DVD and HD Download), the latest INSIDE THE VAULT CLUB exclusive release, is now here! You can get all the details on it HERE. From now through 3/15 (or until they run out), we're also offering a free copy of Decennial, our Cruise to the Edge limited-edition live CD to *new subscribers* of the IVC who join as Keyholders (premium members) on the yearly plan. Only 18 remain at this point, so head to the INSIDE THE VAULT CLUB now to take advantage of this double-dose of prime, live D97 while it's available.
Check out the Septennial trailer:
And The Actual Color from Septennial: